Friday, January 1, 2010

What Parenting Scandal In This Decade Enraged You Most?

I was just reading an article on iVillage and it was discussing the parenting scandals of the decade. The article listed amongst the scandals the following:

Michael Jackson hanging Prince Michael II aka Blanket over a balcony railing

Alec Baldwin calling his daughter a thoughtless little pig

Richard and Mayumi Heene and their Balloon Boy hoax

Britney Spears drive with her son on her lap

Nadya Suleman the Octomom having 8 kids out of wedlock and with no job

I personally think Balloon Boy was the worst. After all, what parent has their child lie and remain hidden for hours to get a reality tv show. What do you think was the parenting scandal of the decade?

To read the iVillage story, go to

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to pick one, but violence against children is totally unacceptable. I am still haunted by the father who drug his son naked out the house and killed him for molesting his little sister.
