Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Would You Report Your Child To Authorities?

On Christmas day, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up a Detroit-bound commercial airline by strapping explosives to his underwear. Although Abdulmutallab alleged attempted fail, what I found most interesting was his father reported concern about his son’s “radicalization” to the US Embassy.

I found this a very courageous step by a father especially in light of America’s war on terrorism. For all his father knew, intelligence officials could have utilized this information to the severe detriment of his son. Although intelligence officials found the information insufficient, I wonder how many other parents would have taken such a step not knowing the consequences their children would ultimately face.

For me, this is a great example of parenting up and putting the needs of the whole against the individual needs or desire to protect your child as a parent but I wonder how many other parents would turn their child in when aware of information about their child that could pose dangers to to others?

What would you have done in that situation? What would you do if you learned your child was a threat to others or engaged in illegal behavior? Would you report them to officials?

Friday, January 1, 2010

What Parenting Scandal In This Decade Enraged You Most?

I was just reading an article on iVillage and it was discussing the parenting scandals of the decade. The article listed amongst the scandals the following:

Michael Jackson hanging Prince Michael II aka Blanket over a balcony railing

Alec Baldwin calling his daughter a thoughtless little pig

Richard and Mayumi Heene and their Balloon Boy hoax

Britney Spears drive with her son on her lap

Nadya Suleman the Octomom having 8 kids out of wedlock and with no job

I personally think Balloon Boy was the worst. After all, what parent has their child lie and remain hidden for hours to get a reality tv show. What do you think was the parenting scandal of the decade?

To read the iVillage story, go to http://parenting.ivillage.com/slideshow/parenting/top_10_parenting_scandals_of_the_decade/

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why It's Ok To Get Hot & Heavy With Your Child's Teacher

Happy New Year! Hard to believe it’s 2010 and the start of a new decade. In a few days our children will be going back to school for the start of the second semester. As such, I’m encouraging parents to get HOT & HEAVY with their child’s teacher this second semester. What do I mean by Hot & Heavy? I mean Hot (Advocate on their behalf) and Heavy (Get Heavily Involved in their education). Or in other words, Advocacy and Involvement.

I don’t believe 2009 was a good year for our children, particularly in the educational system. Due to the recession and politricks, as a good friend of mine would say, we witnessed enormous cuts in education and reform, for the most part, gave way to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and healthcare reform. While those things are important, it is without doubt that children are our future and if we don’t invest in them that future starts to look dim.

2009 taught me that if education is going to be a national priority it will be up to parents to make it so. This includes advocating on behalf of their children in the classroom and becoming heavily involved in their education. So in 2010, I’m playing to help our children win and I ask that you join me in the kickoff of the HOT & HEAVY Campaign.

To learn more about the Hot & Heavy Campaign, click HERE.

To learn more about how you can get actively involved in your child’s education click HERE.

Remember, a child’s first place of education is home.

What are some other ways parents can get involved in their child’s education in 2010? What methods have worked for you?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stressed Teacher Cuts Off Students Braids

Everytime I think I've heard it all something else happens that makes me wonder what is happening in schools. A Milwaukee Public School teacher cut off one of her students braids because she kept playing with her hair. The only explanation that has been given is that the teacher was stressed.

I understand that teachers are having to deal with more students in classrooms, more problem students and less parental involvement. But teachers more and more seem to be finding inappropriate resolutions to address issues. Look at this video and tell me what you think? Do you think this teacher should be disciplined?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why Parent Up?

Over the last few months a lot has happened with our youth across this country. From the beating death of honor student Derrion Albert to the youth who set Michael Brewer of Florida on fire, to the exploitation of Balloon Boy by his parents, it's obvious our youth are enduring what the Poet Paul Dunbar called the worst of times.

But if all you did was read the paper or watch television you would think there has been a total collapse on the parenting front and, in some cases, there has been. But in a lot of other cases there has not been. There are a lot of parents out there doing the right things and the best they can for their children but we seldom hear about them.

As such, I’m starting this blog Parent Up with the hope of addressing many of the pressing issues affecting parents today but also with the intent of highlighting positive parenting and the things parents are doing right so that those behaviors and ideas can serve as a source of inspiration to us all.

Parent Up, after all, is all about personal responsibility. As such it doesn't matter if you are a single parent, married couple, grandparent, aunt, uncle, whatever.....Parent Up.

If you are responsible for a child- take control of the situation, do your best and definitely do NOT give up on them. Our children need us and we can make this world better for them if we all work together.
It’s my hope that you will offer your comments and your thoughts about parenting and that we will engage in some critical but thoughtful discussions. We need to hear from as many voices as we can because let’s be honest this parenting thing is not an easy task.